Who are we?


FaceOfTheFamily.org is maintained by the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love – a Community of consecrated women vowed to Religious Life in concert with the Bishop and Roman Catholic Diocese of Manchester, NH. United with the Maternal Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, their primary mission is the healing and wholeness of individuals and families. This mission finds its fulfillment only in Jesus Christ, truly Present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Bishop Libasci, knowing the intimate connection between the charism of the Sisters and the Eucharist, has commissioned the Community to be his team for the Eucharistic Revival in New Hampshire. 

Please feel free to contact Sister Esther Marie, the Point Person for the Diocesan Team at: EucharisticRevival@rcbm.org

To learn more about the Sisters, visit www.MotherOfHealingLove.org